Please call us at our main number - (321) 751-1925.
Phone lines are open: Monday-Thursday 9am - 12pm, and 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Friday from 9am - 12pm.
You may text (321) 426-0706.
Both email addresses : pab.2011@ymail.com and secure@psychologyassociatesofbrevard.com are monitored daily.
Please note, virtual appointments continue as a courtesy for some patients.
This is determined by a conversation with your provider.
ALL existing patients must complete a Patient Update Form for 2025. Insurance companies require a patient signature on file annually to continue to pay claims. Without it, we will NOT file your insurance, and you will be considered SELF PAY. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you have INSURANCE CHANGES, we will also need a copy of the front and back of your new cards.
The form can be found on our FORMS page.
Email this form to secure@psychologyassociatesofbrevard.com
If you are an existing patient in need of a medication refill prior to your next appointment please go to the FORMS page. Download the Medication Request Form, fill out all the information, and then email the completed form to secure@psychologyassociatesofbrevard.com
If any portion of the form is not complete this could delay your request. Your provider may charge a $30 fee for this service if requested in between scheduled appointments. This fee will be the patient’s responsibility and is not covered by insurance.
We would love to provide services to all; however, our providers do have limited availability in their schedules to allow for new patients. If you would like to be considered for a new patient appointment
please fill out the New Patient Request and submit via email.
We are currently closed for New Patients needing medication management. We hope to reopen this service before spring.
Interested in becoming a new patient? Submit a New Patient Request today!
Copyright © 2024 Psychology Associates of Brevard - All Rights Reserved.
Please complete the update form and return to: secure@psychologyassociatesofbrevard.com
Without it, you will be considered SELF PAY
This is a requirement to allow us to file your insurance. The patient must complete and sign a form that updates address, account details and insurance information.